CTFPatchstack CTF: SneakyThird write-up for the Sneaky Patchstack CTF challenge, exploring visual diffing and fun with PHP filter chains
CTFPatchstack CTF: BlockedExplore how creative tricks in PHP and WordPress allow you to bypass restrictions in a fun Patchstack CTF (S02E01) challenge and uncover neat tricks with filters and file paths!
CTFPatchstack CTF: Cool TemplatesThis writeup explores a Patchstack WordPress CTF challenge where a vulnerable custom footer feature allows for dynamic function execution. The challenge involves bypassing a blocklist and REGEX restrictions on function names to execute arbitrary code.
BugBountyJupiterX Core: Chaining Limited Vulns from SVG to RCEtldr; On their own, these two vulnerabilities in JupiterX Core wouldn’t have been very impactful or likely to get a bounty; but by chaining them together, the exploit could be escalated from a simple SVG upload to full Remote Code Execution (RCE).
BugBountyWPML Multilingual CMS Authenticated Contributor+ Remote Code Execution (RCE) via Twig Server-Side Template Injection (SSTI)tldr; Server-Side Template Injection (SSTI) is one of my favorite vulnerabilities, but rarely do I see it outside of CTF competitions… The WPML Multilingual CMS Plugin for WordPress used by over 1 million sites is susceptible to an Authenticated (Contributor+) Remote Code Execution (RCE) vulnerability through a Twig server-side template injection.
BugBountySplashing around in the shallow end: My adventure into Bug Bounty Huntingtldr; Reported ~300 vulns in WordPress plugins and themes, made about ~$27k. Have made some of my write-ups public and am working on a WordPress hacking workshop as an introduction to bug bounty.
CTFNahamCon CTF 2024: My Shop DisasterSolution for the WooCommerce WordPress plugin challenge that PatchStack submitted to the NahamCon 2024 CTF.
BugBountyUnauthenticated RCE in Anti-Malware Security and Brute-Force Firewall GOTMLS WordPress Plugin CVE-2024-22144Unauthenticated Remote Code Execution (RCE) by chaining multiple vulnerabilities in the Anti-Malware Security and Brute-Force Firewall GOTMLS WordPress Plugin
BugBountyCVE-2024-0685 Ninja Contact Forms Data Export SQLiThe Ninja Forms Contact Form Plugin for WordPress is susceptible to an SQL injection vulnerability when processing data export requests.